Connectwell Support Service

The Practice will be holding a Connectwell support service on a monthly basis at the practice.  The service is to support patients, family members and carers and introduce them to local groups and services that are available in our area.  The service connects people to support them to talk and socialise with others, connecting to support groups, leisure activities, sports clubs, counselling and therapy services, arts and crafts, education and employment support, housing and financial services, community groups and many more.

Connectwell are a voluntary service currently providing this service in other localities successfully helping patients to improve their health and wellbeing, the service can also provide a health buddy to help patients requiring some support to get started.  Patients can self refer by ringing connectwell on 01788 539572 or can be referred by the doctor or Nurse in the Practice.  Your appointment will be at the surgery and held in one of our consulting rooms so it is private and confidential.