There are a number of ways to order your repeat prescription:-
By post enclosing a stamped addressed envelope if you wish it to be returned by post.
By delivering your prescription by hand to the Surgery.
By asking your preferred pharmacy to organise your prescription ordering and delivery.
Remember to tick only the items you need on your previous prescription form. Your prescription will be ready for collection 48 hours later.
We are keen to ensure that patients with ongoing medical problems are monitored regularly and ask that you have an annual appointment with the Doctor to review your medication.
Online Repeat Prescriptions have changed
We have now removed the old website forms. All online services are managed through Patient Online. Please ask at the reception desk for a leaflet to register for this service or Download the registration form here. Remember if you require access to your medical record you will need to bring in photographic ID for verification otherwise we will not be able to register you for this specific area online.