We are now registered with the Care Quality Commission, they are the independent regulator of health and social care services in England. They make sure that the standard of care we … [continue] Care Quality Commission
Month: November 2014
Your Views/Comments/Suggestions are important to us
We are always interested in your comments and feedback. We have a “smiley face campaign” in the waiting area which the PPG have introduced, please use the survey system to … [continue] Your Views/Comments/Suggestions are important to us
Shingles vaccinations
We are continuing to vaccinate the following age groups 70, 71, 78 & 79 year olds, we will be inviting patients who fall into the National age bands by letter, … [continue] Shingles vaccinations
NHS 111
NHS111 is a new service that was introduced during March 2013 to make it easier for you to access local NHS healthcare services. You can call 111 when you need … [continue] NHS 111
AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm) Screening Programme
All men registered with a GP will receive an invitation for screening in the year that they turn 65. Invitations will be sent from the local screening centre directly to men. … [continue] AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm) Screening Programme
GP2GP Patient Information
NHS England
How information about you helps us to provide better care Confidential information from your medical records can be used by the NHS to improve the services offered so we can … [continue] NHS England
Extended Hours
We offer a range of extended hours outside of our normal appointment times (8 – 6.30pm) some starting as early as 6.00am, please contact the surgery for an appointment. These exteneded hours … [continue] Extended Hours
HPV Vaccine
HPV Vaccine (Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine) There are lots of types of HPV but only some of them are known to cause cervical cancer. We do stock vaccine only for … [continue] HPV Vaccine
We have been informed by the Health Protection Agency that there have been a number of cases of measles in England. Several children and adults have been admitted to hospital … [continue] Measles
Improving Care
The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) means that we invite many patient into the Practice for relevant tests and reviews to help keep them healthy despite suffering from conditions such … [continue] Improving Care
Failed Appointments
Every month we display our failed attendance rates in reception. This creates a significant amount of wasted resources in the system making it difficult for patients who genuienely need an … [continue] Failed Appointments
Address & Telephone Numbers
Please inform the Surgery if you change your address or telephone number as this information is vital when we need to contact you. We spend a lot of time trying … [continue] Address & Telephone Numbers
Smoking Status
Please let the Practice know your smoking status this is important information for your health records. If you need help with stopping smoking please ring and make an appointment in … [continue] Smoking Status
Pneumococcal Vaccination
This vaccination is to protect you from serious forms of pneumococcal infection. If you are over 65 and have not received the pneumococcal vaccination please contact the Surgery and make … [continue] Pneumococcal Vaccination
Patient Survey Results
The GP Patient Survey Results for April 2010 – March 2011 are displayed in the waiting area and in the practice newsletter. This has been discussed with the patient participation group. … [continue] Patient Survey Results